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shifting office, local vessel

residency program in colaboration with sine ergun/ maumau, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013


claudia mulder

claudia mulder

video presentation

eelco wagenaar

eelco wagenaar


luis fernandez

luis fernandez


esther verhamme

esther verhamme


esther verhamme

esther verhamme


marieke warmelink

marieke warmelink

series of paintings on paper

collectors space

collectors space


collectors space

collectors space


collectors space

collectors space




The project Shifting Office, Local Vessel, consisted of five Amsterdam based artists who physically transposed their art practice to Istanbul during a one month’s residency at maumau.



The artists are characterized by their capacity to resolve and synthesize their environment into concrete artworks; a variety of video, performance and painting.

The group has physically shifted their working space. In this way the artists adapt, participate and respond to important daily encounters of the city.

For the group Istanbul is an important inspiration that keeps their vessel afloat.


Luis Rodil-Fernandez, Claudia Mulder, Esther Verhamme, Eelco Wagenaar and Marieke Warmelink.


Initiator / organized by Marieke Warmelink in collaboration with Sine Ergun/ maumau.


Participating artists; Luis Rodil-Fernandez, Claudia Mulder, Esther Verhamme, Eelco Wagenaar and Marieke Warmelink.


 © marieke warmelink

 1/03 -29/3

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