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The King's Secret

An presentation about the monarchy, leadership and the role of the king.



June 3 & 4 2015


Kloveniersburgwal 86

1012 CZ Amsterdam


The King's secret is a multidisciplinary performance about the monarchy, leadership and the role of the king. The King's Secret is an investigation into modern leadership and at the same time a design for new forms of governance that match the spirit of the time and society we live in today. It is a presentation that actively involves the public, promoting reflection and challenges to take a position.With a sense of humor and a serious undertone full of uncomfortable, unpredictable and improvised situations with lots of time for reflection.


Artist Marieke Warmelink became King by accident and reveals in her new role the secrets of the Dutch monarchy.

In The King's Secret Warmelink offers an alternative that replaces the monarchy; a design for a new form of governance that fits the times and society we live in today.


The research and production period that lasted over 6 months was made possible by the Amsterdam Fund of the Arts with a development fund.



Donation: Super and Mega Guest of honor


With your donation you support a team of skilled artists, scientists, journalists, advisors among others doing research on the power of imagination and alternative forms of leadership and apply these in society through art, theater, workshops, lectures and company consultations.

Through a donation campaign via Voordekunst you can donate here, more information can be found on


Made possible by AFK and Koninklijk Speelparadijs Amsterdam








Impressions of the performance

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